My Books Are Now in Paperback!
There are times in a person's life that require upgrading, and this was my time. I went through my Wolfsburg Adventure series and tweaked...
European Paganism: The Realities of Cult from Antiquity to the Middle Ages Review
Ken Dowden tried to summarize cultic life before Christianity became the force that it is today. He covers old calendars, burial rituals,...
'Winters in the World' Review
Figured I'd read Eleanor Parker's 'Winters in the World: A Journey through the Anglo-Saxon Year.' Should you read it, too? Pros: Concise....
On the Obsession with Numbers
The author contemplates revisions My story 'The Crimes Along the Arunder' started out at 132,000 words, which, according to tradpub...
Entered NanoWrimo For The Funsies
'Cause Why Not? I have a simple murder mystery in me after the grueling, complicated 'Crimes Along the Arunder.' This one has one- one!-...
Plotting the Revisions
I think I will print out my story and mark the heck out of it, trying to squish together some scenes, add a silver mine discovery and...
The Writing Journey
My brilliant 3-part mystery is...a sprawling mess. There are timeline problems and a lot of questions about what is important to keep in...
Pausing to Breathe Before I Revise (or decide if it is salvageable)
I finished the story, topping out at 128,000 words. The ending I think should be turned into a trial, and I want to rewrite that before I...
The Progress of My Latest Tale
So, I'm cruising along to the final showdown with the murderers. I know I have a castle to stage an attack on, or at least get a bad guy...
I Shan't Give Advice
Hold Me To That The thing about writing is that fiction isn't lucrative. Not for most writers. Non-fiction sells better. I accord this to...