The Outline Blues: Too Specific for My Story
I'm a plotter. An architect writer, a planner, an outliner, whatever you want to call we who write out the plot of the story before...
'The First Charge' Finally Has A Paperback Edition
A year back I went through my old books and made Table of Contents, copyright page, all those normal book things. Yes,...
Why Are We Punishing the Chickens?
I was grocery shopping this morning and reached for some chicken breasts. Then I stopped cold and scowled. The banner across the chicken...
Writing Advice to Self?
Don't give advice. Everyone is addicted to advising and it's silly. If you aren't truly into a story, don't write it. You won't get money...
Why AI Does Not Understand My Work
The AI suggestions for my posts for this blog were: Italian Destination Weddings and Diversity in Romance. It's a good thing none of...
Welcome to the new Blog!
It's not actually new. I just cleaned it up a little. I had a scare that I wouldn't be able to post anything here anymore, but it turns...
'What Hides Below' Is Up
Karl and Bigitte are bringing Jutta home after she had a nervous breakdown. On the way, the stop at Serrick, a mining district where a...
Welp, That Was A Thing
The sale in over, and I just realized that, while the vast majority of my Wolfsburg Adventure stories have paperback and ebook formats,...
'A Negotiable Death' is on Sale
I put up a story about our beloved heroines solving the murder or a squire in a foreign country. Burgravine Brynhild and Lady Bigitte...
Morning Papers vs Grown-Up Camp, other Writing Thoughts
I finished Julia Cameron's 'The Right to Write.' I was taken with the idea of morning papers. I think that while there is an appeal to...