'The First Charge' Finally Has A Paperback Edition
A year back I went through my old books and made them...book-like. Table of Contents, copyright page, all those normal book things.
Yes, I should have done that first thing, but that is the nature of my cowardice. I slap a thing together to give myself an out. I scolded myself at long last and went back to fix everything. Editing and all that jazz.
The exception was my fourth book in the Wolfsburg series, The First Charge. I couldn't find the final draft, so I gave up on it.
Well, I finally found the draft and decided to be serious. Now, for your delectation, is a paperback with a Table of Contents and proper formatting. The ebook has also been updated to...not be weird. Storywise, it is the same (I can't believe it is 103,000 words long. Was I always this long-winded?) It just flows better.
Check out my books now on Kindle: Amazon.com: The First Charge (Wolfsburg Adventures Book 4) eBook : Yongewa, Vivian: Kindle Store