My Books Are Now in Paperback!

There are times in a person's life that require upgrading, and this was my time. I went through my Wolfsburg Adventure series and tweaked the formatting of the manuscripts to create a more enjoyable reading experience for anyone who picks up my books.

Then I created paperbacks.
Yes, you can now hold a paper copy of each of the Wolfsburg Adventures in your hands and turn physical pages. Amazon is forcing a price hike with the paperbacks, but none of them should force anyone into sticker shock. We are still talking well under $20, depending on length.
Going through my old work was eye opening. I realized that I have always varied my word-counts. I also realized Microsoft Word's spellchecker doesn't recognize words like enfeofed, nor does it believe 'rent' can mean 'tore' as well as 'charge for roof over head.' Sometimes it desperately wanted to put a comma in the weirdest places.
I also was reminded of small details that had given me such joy when I was writing them. Johan's escapades, when Jutta met Emil, and Karl's deep love of building stuff come to mind.
Most importantly, I believe this will make readers happy. The books are out in the world, and they should entertain.